
Buying DVDs is not a major cost - rather the license for each disk is; plus they can depreciate the disks (accounting tricks) to further improve their finacial position. Also, if the disks were actually as expensive as $50, then their return polices for damaged disks would be more draconion than it is (netflix doesn't

I don't see why any studio needs Netflix to stream their movies. It's pretty simple to set up a streaming video service, and there are going to be boatloads of competitors in the future. Starz has already shot Netflix down, for example. If you have Netflix stock, you should probably sell quickly.

I did this around the US for 2 years and it sucked balls. They'd have to pay me in the high six figures to travel a lot and live in hotels and eat nothing but restaurant food again.

We don't want to call them 'handy' in the US. That's grounds for an arresting, because handy is slang for 'handjob'.

You forgot clever tshirts. Well, your cleverest tshirt because be honest, you aren't going to change clothes the whole time.

There is no meaningful distinction in a written paragraph except for people who are pedantic. Not all instances of the written word have to balance as math problems.

The $500k is probably the electricty cost plus the cost of the monthy rent for the facility.

$500k operating costs * 31 = $15.5million compared to "$15 million a year to operate on average."

I can't wait until wintel laptops get lighter and slightly cheaper, so I can demonstrate my moderate wealth by using them as frisbees.

I see they have also added some giant pushpins to keep the ground from moving.

I've always wanted a super absorbant roof. that water is mine nature, not yours!

the baby in the guitar case is worse than "better than ezra". it's not "good" the photograph is not "in the blood", it's in the poop.

I don't use Foresquare. I just yell Rocky style - "Yo Adrian!!!" I have been kicked out of a few places for randomly yelling, but most places acccept it.

Sarbanes Oxley rules in place at most major corporations forbids access to code to those who don't code as part of their primary jobtitle and it's also a violation for Feross to give another user access through Feross's personal account, so good thing is is Facebook and not Goldman Sachs or Verizon or Walmart. This

Once you graduate, college football tickets average $50-$100 for crappy seats, not really much cheaper than the NFL.

Sandwiches are for the homeless!!! I eat all my food in distinct piles like a king!

so it's not going to spend 5 minutes saying 'applying personal settings' anymore, with the debug message being 'applying personal settings'? That's great.

It seems odd to me that you would use surveys. I would think it would be better to use regular highway traffic monitoring data that cities make available and to identify popular exit points and corrleate with major events, and design roads to make those rush hour flows most efficient.

Houston is the 4th biggest city in the US. they only surveyed 15 cities, including the top 3 largest in the US.

Austin wasn't monitored. They only surveyed 15 cities, including the largest 3 in the US.