Streets Ahead

He worked extensively with a trainer… from Sea World.

And they were also filmed back-to-back like the Matrix sequels.

I remember those rumors, too. It certainly would have been a bold direction.

I contend that Davy Jones is still the most realistic CGI character to ever be on screen.

Rush has been the saving grace of all the sequels and probably the only reason I'm still tempted to see this.

I was late to the game with Twin Peaks and watched it for the first time a couple of years ago. I enjoyed it and could definitely see how it was a game changer that influenced television for years to come, but I wasn't as enamored with it as everyone else was.

It just might be worth the risk.

You could feel our theater collectively rolling their eyes at Crudup walking into the egg chamber. They could have at least had him refuse to approach the eggs, but then panned to reveal an egg on the ceiling behind him.

David Carradine.

That line also got some snickering in our theater.

I enjoyed it more than Prometheus and the first quarter or third was pretty enthralling, but overall I have mixed feelings about it. Outside of the Fassbenderbots, the characters were pretty flat and the story was predictable. They definitely showed too much of the aliens and their communication with David was silly.

I'm going to watch this while indulging in an inordinate amount of tuna fish. Almost an excessive amount.

Hard pass.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who found this episode to be a complete mess. Totally rushed and none of the editing explains why Michaela got the boot. I'm not even sure why Sarah gave her advantage to Cirie or what Cirie's plan was.

Uh huh. At this point I feel like Trump could re-institute slavery and Republicans wouldn't bat an eye.

That mask is laughably bad.

It's almost as though Republicans have no principles outside of furthering their own interests. Weird!

300 songs?!

Is 24: Legacy worth watching? Looks like AV Club stopped reviewing it partway through.

It's hard to know which is worse: the Jeffrey Lord-type trolls or the Kayleigh McEnany/Scottie Hughes-types who seem to believe the shit coming out of their mouths?