
I prefer Autoteleobiotomy and Autoteleobiotomism.

In Germany they say, left this life of his/her own free will. It is more gentle than any of the phrases listed above.

To be fair, I personally find it repulsive. But that’s because the idea of relying on a man for some sort of “bonus” or even for my every day needs goes against my independent spirit. What happens when you get too old and he no longer finds you attractive? What happens if you decide to have political views he doesn’t

Haha gross your parents had sex

We used to “run away” to the park near our house, and then come home when we got hungry or hot.

I tried this when I was 8.

Please please please do more Hysterical Man reviews!!

Go ahead, keep on betting against Elon Musk. Let us know how that pans out.

confirmed by BuzzFeed News as authentic.”

I’m sure that somewhere in the dim. dark recesses of the interwebs there is a pic of a Transit body shell that had been dropped onto an open-wheeler chassis with a 3 litre DFV for motivation. (searches interwebs - finds that there are several versions - picks the one he remembers)...

You are correct.

Indicators or turn signals. We take them for granted when other road users decide not to use them. Before the modern, illuminated indicator, we had trafficators that would mechanically spring out from the side of the vehicle. I can’t imagine they were very useful. Before that again, we had to use arm signals.


Idk, BMW hasn't even started offering these as far as I know. Probably not that big of a deal.

This trend is just sad honestly.

So I'm black.

Holy Fuck you're right. Maybe he was running towards a loaded cannon. Better put 8 rounds in him just be sure.

Note to Customs....