
Off topic, but as a web developer I have to say that developing for iPad on Safari is awful, and I'm a mac user. It's like the new IE6.

It would be very responsible of Microsoft to just disable all current and prior versions of IE, and then release one that is fixed. And compliant, while they're at it.

I believe in Elon Musk.

Is it really so much to ask that the job you want isn't so shitty? That you can love your work but not have to hate your job?

From high school, everybody can aspire to make it to the "Big Show." Only the boys can thrive though. I'd wager a guess that there aren't a whole lot of people that pick up cheerleading after high school to become one of those glamorous NFL cheerleaders. It takes a certain type that's been doing this for awhile.

Players obviously don't have a conduct code like that...

Of course. Adding this functionality to last year's top-of-the-line Pioneer deck is sooooo last year. #%*&ers.


I am only addressing the "bullying" calls in this thread, which I think are misplaced. However, Eich expressed his beliefs in actively supporting a cause that oppressed the rights of a group of people. The chickens had come home to roost, so to speak. Sometimes things you do come back to bite you in the ass.

Does time make a lot of difference? It seems like the chickens have come to roost for this guy. Sometimes actions in the past will bite you in the ass someday. Also, if two wrongs never make a right, what do you call justice?

I keep seeing "this is bullying" in this thread.

Are the accepting tolerant people of group A oppressed by group B supposed to just roll over then? When do they become bigots, when they fight back? Or do they just need to wait until group B wises up and quits being assholes?

Stikkan is so pretty - I wonder what breed?

Now playing

I could use this, because this is the opposite of me.

Some jackass(es) have placed fake car crashes all over Minneapolis area in Waze. Not amused.

The people in charge ignore the scientists (read: the people whose lives are dedicated to studying this particular thing) til it's too late. You have heard that there are literally psychopaths running everything?

Can't recommend this enough. After seeing this clip I bought the Blu Ray. The whole thing is this ridiculous and absolutely worth it. There is a Singham 2 coming out in August!

I just want to know where that place is, and why it's not anywhere near me!

I wish I had a Trapper Keeper so I could leave my desk.

I'm very much enjoying the Z32 life these days. All the fun of the Subyota, but with a twin-turbo V6. No pretend back seats (sends a message), 1/3 to 1/2 the price, a timeless interior, t-tops and connoisseur status.