
I already prefer the story from Need for Speed: The Run. They could've just made a screenplay of that.

I sooo saw this coming. Someone was going to have the time to do this. Side note: funny how that #$&@ bird can fly just fine on its own before you tap...

We did have skating on the concourses - it was the absolute best way to pass the winter! Nothing like a 12-mile skate every other day. We all paid a lot of attention and made sure they considered us when designing the new stadium. I guarantee we use the building a LOT more than the Vikings do.

I kinda want to make one out of acrylic and LEDs. #projectday

I was on my way to sign it, and the first thing I saw was "Petitioning Governor Rick Perry." Then I lost all hope.

I found this one last summer. Truly a fantastic car!

Right, give people tickets for wearing Google glass, then use it yourselves. Such is the world.

I seem to remember something about LED traffic lights where they didn't generate enough heat so they wound up being blocked by snow build-up sometimes. Is that still a thing?

They already have face-detection built in - why they don't have code detection is beyond me.

I submit the beautifully NSFW "Hot Shots playing cards." Google that.

All the pins on US soil are missing.

HAHAHA - excellent!!

I don't care what any of you all say, I want a movie with this group. (I'd also accept just many, many more episodes.) Clearly done by people who loved the old cartoons.

Kinda off-topic hypothetical situation: if I was a cyclist in Florida and someone tried to run me over with their car for whatever reason, could I shoot them dead with my legally carried firearm? I mean, this would seem like a legitimate case for these stupid laws.

I don't even... can someone post an example of a new car that doesn't have a "corporate grille"? Isn't it just called "the grille"? What am I missing?

Amazing how many people are being deported for stupid reasons... meanwhile this one gets to stay. He's just not brown enough I guess?

I used to be a Daytona fanatic. Still, the crackest pipe.

I thought it was a magical world?

..... didn't we build them or something? I just read something about the US being the bad guys again.