I already prefer the story from Need for Speed: The Run. They could've just made a screenplay of that.
I was on my way to sign it, and the first thing I saw was "Petitioning Governor Rick Perry." Then I lost all hope.
Kinda off-topic hypothetical situation: if I was a cyclist in Florida and someone tried to run me over with their car for whatever reason, could I shoot them dead with my legally carried firearm? I mean, this would seem like a legitimate case for these stupid laws.
I don't even... can someone post an example of a new car that doesn't have a "corporate grille"? Isn't it just called "the grille"? What am I missing?
Amazing how many people are being deported for stupid reasons... meanwhile this one gets to stay. He's just not brown enough I guess?
I used to be a Daytona fanatic. Still, the crackest pipe.
..... didn't we build them or something? I just read something about the US being the bad guys again.
I've actually wondered when they're going to bring that kid back from Tokyo Drift. Of course, Han would have to be dead. If there was such a thing as continuity, anyway.
In 50,000 years will future beings see Mars with nothing but our rover on there and conclude that the rover must have contaminated and killed the entire planet? O_o
I'd say Piloti shoes, but I guess they went bankrupt. But yay, it looks like they'll be back! http://www.piloti.com/
The things that feel a little too fake for me in most games revolve around the environment. I saw the E3 reveal trailer for The Crew and got rather excited about how real the environment looks with dingy days and various weathered camera effects. Basically Forza could benefit from a little patina, IMO.
Terrifying sight: seeing 3 speeding pursuit chargers with these rear lights following each other onto the freeway at night. Looks like an invasion.
Was an an IROC R/T? On that point I'd agree with you.
Great photos!
This was my first car, acquired in summer 1999. Have not had a vehicle that exhibited such a strong combination of economical and utilitarian since. I am looking for another one.
Beat me to it. It's oh-needer-ful!