
so tired of the lies

I could literally cry, right now. Funerals, Top Gun, and this. It's okay.

Even if you and your (hypothetical) soon-to-be-ex-wife split amicably and she hadn't planned to take you for everything, her lawyer probably did whatever he/she could to convince her otherwise because the law is set up to work that way and that's how he/she gets paid.

I think the naming of the Starion is far more interesting. I choose to believe that it's bad engrish for Stallion, which seems like a reasonable name for a car that would be competing with the Mustang.

YES. I have always wondered why we don't ever see *this* in real life.

Looks to me pretty much exactly like Ace Combat 6. Which is to say... good, but what's new or fresh about it? (Aside from yet another nickel/dime grab)

"Oregon drivers are also allowed to turn left from a two-way street onto a one-way - including onto a freeway ramp - on a red."


My friend got me a Soundracer as a gag gift. It's funny. I'd buy this app - it'd be really great if they could add something with some turbo car sounds - blow off, spooling... I miss that.

Speaking from a male point-of-view... this man needs to search abroad. Get thee to a country where the planes crash en route; we don't need you stealing all our ladies here.

Still hunting around for an OEM titanium key blank. I don't think I'll ever find one.

I think the new series on Nick is fantastic. I want an arcade game like that show really badly. My girlfriend would even play it with me. This game makes me sad.

Jesus Diaz spoiled it when sharing your article on Gizmodo. Thanks for the warning the first time around anyway. :: shakes fist at Jesus ::

That is really pretty. I hope that will work, if yes I'd buy that.

Damn. I was hoping for an upgraded Nike Kinect at launch... one that really makes use of the new hardware.

So, pay the baggage fees or they call the bomb squad and get you arrested? Sounds like a racket to me.

Black Gold. BLACK GOLD!

Where's my twin turbo t-top version?!

George Zimmerman stopped my microwave when my pizza rolls hit the exact perfect temperature. Dude's a hero.

Is Detroit too big to fail?