
I also recently discovered Waze. It's great, and it works on my double-DIN Pioneer deck so it's nicely integrated into my 300zx.

The last Call of Duty I played was based on WWII. Doesn't WWII cause violent video games?

This headlight belongs to the 2014 Scion tC. Carry on with your previously scheduled programming.

I've been waiting for a game based on the new cartoon, but..... what the ..... (red letter media voice) what's wrong with their faaaaaace(s)? This is ALL WRONG! Like how the dumb toy T-Phones at Target don't use their actual voices. Yes I'm 31. Shut up.

Love this.

Clearly a hater here - you have to admit the movies have been getting better!

That official? Or a shop-modification? I know in Miami years ago for the xB/xD reveal there were tons of shop mods like the boxy xB monster truck and lots of others.

Agreed; I feel like I have little reason to get it back from GameFly since I already finished it. Now it's kinda like... George Lucas adding extra stuff after the fact.

When you push the snaps in does it exert a lot of force pressure on the 3DSXL? Or is there some structure to the case?

Hoping for at least the minimum level of awesome that is shown in the Force Unleashed.

If that blows your mind, this will rock your WORLD.

Did she mean hooker? Or car?


I guess I'm more worried about the young men and women that get sent to ACTUAL war and come back with their brains and sense of right and wrong messed up. Blaming pretend war on the screen (whether it's video games or movies or whatever) is incorrect.

I might take some flak for this, but... on smart phones, the camera should automatically (passively) detect QR or barcodes. It is the transition from analog to digital marketing.

They released personal contact info - all they have to do is say sorry.

True statement - mark these words, that will be back one day.

AAAA batteries will be used in SmartThings - so yes, they will fast become a thing!

I'm not sure that I like it. It gave it a certain soap opera quality. I think my girlfriend nailed it saying it was very "channel 2 after-school special." I'd give it another chance next year, as it's a new thing. 3D and other new cinema enhancements bring me into theatres, otherwise I'm usually ok with waiting

When you break up with a service, there is a reason. Now Netflix is of course working out and strutting around with new Arrested Development episodes. It'll be all well and good... just like old times even, until the excitement is over and we're back to the same old routine.