
By the looks of that trailer, we're back to huge, lumbering, slow-moving creatures. Recently there has been a trend of large creatures in movies moving at terrifying speeds that I feel are more appropriate. (For example, Hulk of Avengers.) This trailer looks neat but it all feels like slow-mo. Is anybody else

Funnel the defense budget over to Science. Let's do it.

Why is there another Robocop? Somebody already made Robocop. #rhetorical

There must be a cheap way to make this.

Not getting a prenup these days is reckless. Getting an expiring prenup is a good compromise.

I would argue the Maps debacle marks the beginning of the decline. Hear me out: relying on the bus/train system was much, much easier to do on-the-go when you could ask Siri for a bus to the library, or to work or home. A one-button interaction turns into stop, browse, type, wait, scroll, search for a route and

Now playing

RISC architecture is going to change everything.

Yea, I'm not sure how true that is.


Hurricane Sandy was an inside job!!

I'm ok with that >_<

Bad shawarma will do that

If only every game was like Mass Effect!

Literally?! Whoa, dude. Whoa!

I think it's less about that and more about reestablishing karmic balance after an entitled jerk in front of you messes with you. The bag goes under the seat. You will be treated like cattle like everybody else. If you're going to make a big deal about it - you deserve what's coming to you.

Can't wait for this. Plus, much cheaper than 2 kinects.

Uhh..... cover it back up. At least til after 2012. Please?

Love it. My place has concrete ceilings and I thought spots of that on the walls would be neat. Pretty expensive though...

Too bad it probably won't be able to utilize Siri (w/o jailbreaking). The most frequently used feature on my phone was me being able to tell it "I need a bus home."

I want to believe that he asked for one thing and the tattoo artist gave him what he wanted to, because NOBODY... can POSSIBLY be that stupid. I'm adding this guy to my brand new dead pool because he's going to be killed in prison before he's 30.