Commence with the War on Boners. Has anybody revisited the fact we were colonized by by a group called "Puritans" since kindergarten? Lucky us.
Commence with the War on Boners. Has anybody revisited the fact we were colonized by by a group called "Puritans" since kindergarten? Lucky us.
QR code stamp in 3...2...1...
Agreed, this is not an issue. It allows you to receive ads on Facebook from a company that you've already given your email address (Dominos for example).
Best comment I've ever seen on Giz, I think.
Ah, I wish I had seen this earlier. My submission has a 3-wheeler in the back!
Funny how days later I can come back and read comments, and wonder why the hell I'd post that. I'm such a jerk. (Sorry :)
Rhetorical questions are rhetorical - what a beautiful place!
You're right. I fell for it, too. That's kinda a jerk thing to do, Giz.
Yes, do tell. Where?
I have a new goal in my life, and this is it.
Meanwhile... Firefly still cancelled.
Burn Notice: “Making a getaway is always more about precise handling than raw horsepower. So in a hostile situation, rear-wheel drive is a nice advantage. That said, it doesn’t hurt to have over three-hundred horsepower at your fingertips.” (about the always present Genesis Coupe)
Waiting for the turbo version.
I believe the actual term for that link is "farked"
Looks like someone needs a screensaver password and less roommates.
I can't wait until we can make fake meat, animals overpopulate and they eat all the PETA members. I thought we were in the age where "real" is a new feature in foods you buy?
Everybody that comes over will insist it's a checkers set.
So... at what point does Samsung turn around and say "OK... no more screens for you!"?
This is making me twitchy... now that I've adopted a no-car lifestyle, THIS happens.