Worth a mention: Dodocase. Very classy.
I absolutely believe it. We used to have a border collie/aussie shepherd cross. She was incredible smart. I would get another one in a heartbeat!
It's definitely not "there" yet. I will be all over it when a) no glasses b) gaming picks up on it in a big way. Racing and FPS will be AMAZING in 3D.
Wikileaks should be proud, they got the ultimate validation from the United States Government!
@RT100: Silly j.walk3... that jail cell could be used for a pot smoker instead.
So, you people that are not surprised by this at all... are you also against Wikileaks?
@leadingZer0: I totally agree. That's why I got one. It's sweet I mean really dangerous.
@Randal T Scandal: Mitch McConnell said terrorist, Sarah Palin said treason. Treason is where a citizen of a country betrays his or her own country... doesn't really apply to Assange! She was recently offered the job of head of the Republican National Committee (Steele's spot) and turned it down. The fact she was offe…
PLEASE let this all be in the history books. Wikileaks is a seriously big deal and I am glad to be witnessing it.
"DEA Squadron 3" should freak out my neighbors...
@Stem_Sell: Maybe she's looking for longer exposure?
I wish this was out a week ago. I bought 4 cans, with the intent on doing something similar on Facebook. I cracked one of them and took a big slug of it....... then cleaned out the garbage disposal and now I have 3 cans left that are just sitting there.
Someone tweet LeVar Burton and tell him to forget NASA - THESE guys need his help.
Great! Forget what your customers need. These decisions are made at
@xair: It'll be back. Everything comes back. (Still waiting for Full Throttle to come back)
Glory plugs
I really, seriously, do not understand why this just isn't rolled into iChat... even if they wanted to get the name FaceTime out there they could have just called it "iChat with FaceTime".
New swimsuit material for Michael Phelps?
Aaaaand, they're all too long and just rubbish.