The inevitable jailbreak (introducing the rest of the formats) will make this a winner for me. It's finally cheap enough to experiment with.
@Henry Shreffler: Hopefully they don't make this a Top Gear America exclusive
1992 Dodge Daytona IROC R/T. Very limited run of about 420, turbo 2.2L 4-banger with a fully forged bottom end and a head made by Lotus. Mine was a black one (one of 60). I got it to 156 before getting scared (I was 17!) If the engine hadn't exploded (not my fault, it was a common issue), it probably would've killed…
OR... just stop checking into Foursquare...
WELL great. Now they'll have to clone a new Stig. They'll just have to keep it out of F1 racing so he doesn't want to write any books.
Meanwhile, my nephew just got fired from McDonald's.
@sid9221: Terrorism is a matter of perspective, and somebody has been terrorizing somebody else since the dawn of time, and it's never going to stop, no matter what anybody does, ever. Ever. It's how you choose to live with it. Or, in this case, the BS I am forced to live with in the name of "counterterrorism."
Mr. Anti-Government... FU, because Comcast isn't going rural because it isn't profitable in the same way major population centers are. The government has to because nobody else will.
Dropbox should have this capability.
@jsbaugh1: Yes, Zinio is FTW. You can't get your Zinio playboy subscription onto your iPad tho... so it's not like they aren't playing by the rules.
So... it's essentially a web browser that lets me look at web content just in a different format than a different web browser?
In YOUR case, I believe that Jesus wants you dead. Your continued life is as much an abomination as your crew thinks stem cell research is.
This is the ONLY reason I downloaded it. Haven't used it yet, but I just knew it'd be removed.
It doesn't seem to be recording GPS info like it says. (You can switch that on in the preferences.) They don't show up in "Places", nor on the map when emailed to Flickr.
Is this news? Because I had this happen to me, too. I had the dealership do an engine swap (old was hydrolocked) and when I came to pick it up, somebody had tried to break in with a crowbar the night before. The dealership gave me the same excuse, and I had to pay ANOTHER deductible to get my car door fixed.
I'm NOT excited. Great, now any jerk can take HDR photos. My leg-up in the photography biz is fast eroding.
Dangit, does not export to the U.S. :(