@Senshi34: Yes, the site just blipped on for a second and I saw that this is a new Arctic series version. If this is true it is definitely a MUST-buy.
@Senshi34: Yes, the site just blipped on for a second and I saw that this is a new Arctic series version. If this is true it is definitely a MUST-buy.
I'm pretty sure this is the same thing, and the 60mw blue version is about $2,700. The green 50mw version is $200. [www.thinklasers.com]
@FriarNurgle: Great point ^_^
I envy this man so much. I believe that is exactly how you are supposed to use a car. Enjoy yourself!
@robogobo: I agree - being a Giz reader really ruins the surprise.
Are they waiting to see if Hyundai gets the bajeezus bombed out of them by some dying psycho to the north?
"Booth professionals?" Has "booth babe" gone the way of "stewardess" and "secretary"? *sadness*
@Justout: True, they will be able to produce better shows... about what though? The Scion xD and new Chevy Malibu?
Crown Victoria
Sure, a big part of TG is the hosts. Of course there are also the cars. Europe is full of all forms of automotive exotica. What do we get? We don't even get a bloody Ford Focus RS. FORD, which is OURS! How about a bulked up, less efficient Smart car? Woohoooo. Good luck and I'll watch, but if it doesn't live up to…
Ahh, there's my Gen Coupe!
I am going to buy a guitar slide TODAY.