
The radio included in this bundle is a job site radio and is unsuited for use as a storm radio.  It has no support for AM band or any of the weather bands.  

The way this fusion reaction was produced is relatively unlikely to yield usable power any time soon. My understanding is that they used an absurd amount of energy and material to fire extremely powerful lasers for a very short time at a very small target to produce a small amount of energy that they couldn’t actually

I think of it like this... Pi for example is an irrational number..

I’m waiting for one of the tactics that the Kremlin uses to appear here in our comments: the shill. Some shills are overt, and some are subtle, and can mix in well with a variety of conversations, especially if there are some regular “tankies” present.

I honestly do not care one iota what color someone’s texts display as, having a separate cord to power my laptop than the one that powers my phone, iPad, AirPods, and Apple TV remote, or, well anything else making your life worse from this list. This reads like a review of the Apple Store by a 17 year old who is

I’d wager that Marvel and Star Wars are the only thing keeping them afloat. How many people would honestly be subscribed without them? It seems to make up for the VAST majority of their original scripted content (making that distinction because it seems like the NatGeo side of things gets a good amount of content, but

Thanos is my “I won after YOU snapped” victory emote.

You had me going until “gaslighting”.  Inigo would like a word with you, too.

That seems like a rather silly attitude to have. There are two kinds of VAs:

That would explain why someone might enjoy foot rubs. Doesn’t explain why someone would enjoy looking at feet. Like, I enjoy getting my penis touched, but that doesn’t make me enjoy seeing other penises.

Now playing

I’ve got a Marc rebillet clip as an alarm waking me up every morning, and I never want to use anything else ever again.

I’m good with ‘round up’ donations at the register. It’s not like I’m going to go out of my way to donate 60 cents to a charity nor would it be effective if I did.

If they’re asking for 5/10/whatever then, yeah, just send it to the folks you want instead.

People should be changing all their passwords at minimum on a yearly basis as is.

Perhaps a helpful trick to keep your passwords safe even if on a password manager.

Hobby and Gobby aren’t bugged. Read the card: The other player “takes control.” If they haven’t played anything it’s the first card at that location.

It’s crazy this and the Elite 2 still don’t have Hall Effect joysticks. I just got the new 8bitdo Ultimate controller with Hall Effect sticks and paddles. I don’t ever have to worry about joystick drift. It’s close to perfect and I’ve switched over to it has my primary, though I still prefer the quality build form of

The target audience is clearly premium consumers. As others have pointed out, if the focus for this product was to target people with disabilities it would resemble something more like the Xbox adaptive controller. The fact that this has some added benefit to those users is clearly a nice coincidence and not a driving

Wow. Um o.k. nowhere did I say he couldnt have been younger because I saw a stache. I also explained my screen is fucked up.

Yep, it’s fine, but Kotaku will bring this up from now until April, and probably well after, for cheap clicks.

Joan Rivers didn’t have pretensions of being more than catty gossip, which this article clearly does.