
Also love the subtle humor of the scientists proudly unveiling the most surefire indestructible Big Beetle Thing they've ever made to Aku, only for Jack to blow it up with one strike minutes later. Back to the drawing board, guys.

I watched on headphones— it's kind of a must with all the work that goes into this show to make it sound as good as it does. The final minute from the stabbing onward to Jack jumping into the river is a tiny masterwork of sound design in and of itself.

One thing that needs to be repeated again and again: this show is incredibly effective at knowing when to shut up and use silence to its full advantage. There wasn't a single line of dialogue in the second half, and I didn't notice until it was over. Holy shit, what a great episode.

You seem like you worry about the wrong things, mate.

As down as I am for more R-rated animated flicks, this trailer is screaming "ABANDON ALL HOPE, THIS WON'T BE GOOD."

"Cousin! It is your cousin! Wanna go throw some darts?"


That was then destroyed in the '95 earthquake, because of course this movie needs to be more depressing.

The autopsy scene. Dear God, the autopsy scene. For my money, it's the funniest thing the show's ever done.