
Ploom sounds like this probably tastes:

I feel like they should be hot, but they aren’t. Like, all the elements for hoteness are there: the eyes, the cheekbones, and the handymanliness. But they just arent’t hot. BUT THEY SHOULD BE! And that angers me.

I am so cranky this week so I am hiding on my couch cuddling with this cutie pie. She thinks my arm is a couch.

How is everyone tonight? I’m feeling super accomplished and adult-y. I’m starting my new job on Monday, so I spent all day prepping meals and they smell delicious and I want to eat them all.

Caitlyn Jenner SHOULD get more shit for her beliefs than her gender identity, since her beliefs are stupid, and she had basically nothing to do with being trans. So, yay, if that’s the way it’s going down for her.

I don’t know if this was covered elsewhere today or not but it made my day:


I cannot even count how many Superbowl Half Time shows I have seen, upwards of 35 and this is bar none the worst ever. Not Beyonce, not Bruno Mars, not Coldplay, it was the melding of all of them. It was lackluster, stupid and desperate.

Every. Fucking. Time.

Yeah it’s def like a very decent high school production. Mostly it’s coming off like everyone is doing their best impressions of their movie counterpart with very mixed results.

Ok, what are everyone’s hopes for the characters? Here are mine:

“I was a dick.”

What sort of platform will they be using? I got addicted to “Plants vs Zombies 2” about a year ago, so much so that I actually went back and played the original much cruder version for awhile because I had gone through all the “Worlds” and still needed my fix.

I totally get it. Honestly the holidays are such a reflective time of year, but most people can avoid their reflection or feelings by drinking and socializing and eating and commercialism. Being bummed during the holidays is 100% valid. I’m always bummed on my birthday. I think most people have at least one holiday

I am pretty bummed from thanksgiving until new year. It’s just such a sad time of year but everyone else finds it happy and so I feel guilty for always being low key bummed which bums me out even more. It is a vicious cycle.

I wanted to get a new Star Wars t-shirt. I didn’t like the women’s so I looked at the men’s. They had a wider and better selection. I ended up getting a Kylo Ren shirt.

First and foremost you kinja name is fantastic and it made my day.

Mine was a quasi-hookup, but bear with me. These dudes who lived together in a house while attending college were close-knit so they had a “post-Christmas” in February, in one of the dudes’ ranch in the countryside. I was invited by my BFF, one of the dudes’ girlfriends, and I was newly single, so I went. There was

Alex Trebek was pretty out there. “Who is your daddy?”