
I have a 1080 smart TV and honestly that level of detail is already absurd for me. I can see actors’ pores. I don't need to see their pores! Stray eyelashes, uneven eyeliner, a slightly heavy stripe of foundation... I can only imagine how gross people look in 4K close ups.

I’m an anomaly (I guess) since I’m a huge fan of the DA franchise and loved Inquisition - because I didn’t “get into" the series before DAI came out, and thus had basically zero expectations for it, lol. I definitely have my complaints, mostly for the busywork and the disappointing parts of the romances, but hearing

My point is twofold: one, that it really shouldn’t be crucial - it doesn’t affect gameplay at all and is, for all intents and purposes, a bit of additive fluff.

Guilty Gear has only recently been dubbed at all, so I find it weird that it so quickly became a vital part of its personality for you. Dubbing fighting games at all has historically been a rare and strange thing... most of the time they didn’t even get subs. The in-match chatter was left in Japanese with no

I can certainly understand preferring things in your native language, but outright refusing to purchase a game just because they subtitled the story mode and didn't hire English VAs is a lot different than saying you prefer dubs. Preferring dubs but making do with subs is something we all have to do sometimes to

Bae is a colloquialism! It is a word in that it is used as a word, and has a certain meaning. Language evolves, it’s why we say “terrific” to mean something is great, when it used to mean something inspired terror!

No, he had it, you're answering the wrong question. He asked about making a REPLY public (which involved doing what was said: replying as normal, then retweeting).

Honestly, I agree. If one person is filming you hardly need everyone else to film, too. Be there! In the moment! Be close to your friend without the thing between your face and her. If anything I find it slightly troubling that ANY questioning of phone attachment results in immediate backlash.


I am genuinely interested in those eyewitness accounts, please link to them.

Weren't those reports done by people paid for by Allen, though?

Soooo it’s still something you’re using as a weapon against her, for whatever reason, because I guess you feel that her alleged circumstances (we do not have access to the same info so I can’t confirm your so-called truth) make her less worthy of sympathy, and like it makes divorce less difficult. I’m not asking you

It sounds like a wild rumor that you latched onto in order to weaponize, sorry.

Wow, that is one fugly carving. I was imagining a cute little simple heart, not this sloppy mess.

I don't think it's unreasonable to be upset about someone you were once close with basically publicly saying she's too good for you.

LOL I keep it in my kitchen like everyone else... oh god, do you not? Is yours in your shed? Oh honey.

I am genuinely curious: in what ways has he helped you? Did he do or say something in particular? Can you give an example of a situation where you just couldn't have surpassed your difficulty without what you'd learned from him?

I know right?! I mean, things were suitably wacky BEFORE I got to the part where she assumed the gal was marrying for money to give her husband his green card. I mean. What? LOL

Oh my god, there's more. Hold on I need to get a glass of wine for these comments.