The Atlantic Slave Trade didn’t begin and and end in North America. You should watch Black in Lantin America with Dr.Henry Louis Gates so you can believe your own eyes.
The Atlantic Slave Trade didn’t begin and and end in North America. You should watch Black in Lantin America with Dr.Henry Louis Gates so you can believe your own eyes.
Some Puerto Ricans and Dominicans are Black.
Watch What Happened, Miss Simone?, because a documentary is almost always better than a biopic—and this documentary is sensational.
Having the same stories as your grandparents in regards to racial inequality was not the plan.
Absolutely. it might be hyperbole but it is so true that this happened to all of us. This was a Jim Crow. Having the same stories as your grandparents in regards to racial inequality was not the plan.
So this is about ...what?...heritage?...patriotism? Because after all, what's more patriotic than secession on the basis of white supremacy? Yes, I said WHITE SUPREMACY. You can't ignore the truth forever.
What makes them different is the fact that our society treats them different. That's the problem, and that's why BLM is important. It's also why ALM does nothing to highlight the problem: that our society values black lives less than white ones.
You’re not — turn down the persecution complex, dweeb.
How many times do people need to be told that the inherent implication behind black lives matter IS all lives matter?!?!
“To encourage a guy to wear a dress would just be setting him up for bullying. I don’t get it...”
Your username is so accurate. The racist comments about the photo and the lack of understanding in making comparisons are irritating my soul. For some this is a mental exercise, for others it’s another painful example that wer’re far from post-racism in the US.
3B hair is curly. Coily hair is different.
I think the point is that you were born with your features. You did not buy them to capitalize off of society’s love for black features on white bodies. Even then, they are still seen as more attractive on you than black women. And your bit about feeling different/ proud of your features if you were black…
I think what’s confusing about your comment is that you say you’d be proud to have the body you do if you were black. I understand the frustration that comes with being fetishized and harassed, but you would not be immune to that if you were a WoC. In fact, it may very well be even worse. At the risk of coming off as…
Another win for East Africa!
This wasn’t a wild turkey, but friends of my family had a small turkey farm when I was a kid. They would slaughter the young turkeys for thanksgiving, but one year, one of the baby turkeys turned out to be a young hulk turkey - simply too big to kill, as there wasn’t any point. No one would buy a turkey who wouldn’t…
Related: Netflix has a terrific documentary called Reel Injun that explores Hollywood’s portrayal of Native Americans from the earliest days of film to the present.
About frigging time! I can’t get over how much Native Americans are ignored in the U.S. No one ever mentions them when discussing racism, sexism or economic disparity even though they were slaughtered and enslaved long before the Europeans brought anyone else over.
Good point. I’m sure if all blacks, Asians, Hispanics, etc., just stop being so insistent on calling themselves those things, the white majority of America will completely stop othering them. After all, this “sub-sub-sub-dividing” definitely doesn’t have its roots in white America defining who was and was not part of…
Right? What fucking planet are these people living on where they think a boy might cross-dress for four years just to get into the girl’s bathroom? Why would anyone do that?