
“The fact that people on this website can understand sexism and male privilege, but gawk at the idea that they have white privilege OR that institutional racism is more harmful and powerful than personal prejudices (or interpersonal racism) is...interesting.”

White supremacy is a helluva drug.

Excellent points - esp regarding the derailing method where ppl like to introduce other cultures’/countries’ ideas about race and the global history of slavery.

Forgot to add that people who believe “racism against whites” = “racism against [insert disenfranchised minority]” are to racism what MRAs are to sexism: ridiculous people making nonsensical, self-serving arguments to play the victim and protect their privilege.

So many people dying to equate some random Negro saying “Fuck Whitey” with a 400 plus year-old system of oppression that was enshrined in the Constitution. They’re not misspeaking. They really think it’s the same. And they’re out here foaming at the mouth when the “Fuck Whitey” hypothetical they love to toss out has

White women have white privilege and therefore institutional power. They are oppressed under misogyny but benefit from their whiteness over women of colour. Misogyny in award shows is a problem and definitely worth talking about but when a white woman says a boycott over the racism of the Oscars is “racist towards

But you do understand how the interpersonal racism of people of color towards white people is vastly different from the racism that white people spew towards poc. Case in point the oscars. The few people of color who are members of the academy could have easily refused to vote for any of the white people campaigning

She’s upset because the system is not working as well as it used to. The system is supposed to give an advantage to her people in every facet of life.

You are an idiot. Being a ‘racist’ and the idea of ‘racism’ are two entirely different things. Racism is a systematic social construct, not just hating or even disliking other racial and ethnic groups. Racism is also comprised of multiple parts, the other side of racism in the US is ‘White Privilege’, something that

Julie Delpy - you are an idiot. Try being a Black feminist.

God the resonponses you’re getting are so indicative of ... this site.

Julie Delpy has somehow gotten this far in life without ever having seen, heard of or met a black woman. Are we unicorns? Do we not exist? We’re apparently just myth.

Bitch can take SEVERAL seats. “Racist to whites” isn’t a thing, because racism is prejudice PLUS institutional power, and white people are the ones with institutional power. It’s 2016, and there’s frankly no excuse for such self-indulgent ignorance. She can come back once she reads a damned book: preferably, Ta-Nehisi

Here’s what I’ve gathered (and agree with):

I’m a 460 month old fetus- what’s the problem?

I imagine some chose to keep their former masters’ surnames in order to make it easier for family members that had previously been sold off to find them, as well.

I really dislike this line of reasoning. Of course lack of representation of black people at the Oscars isn’t as important as black people being murdered by police officers in the street, but the lack of representation in Hollywood still matters. It’s all part of the same system. And where’s the line? There will

As a white, I only know so much but from shade court I’ve gathered this is not shade. She “read” them.

I had to sit on a meeting with this organization trying to increase its diversity. The old white guy running the thing says to us “you know, I grew up in an all white town, went to all white schools and worked in an all white work place. I didn’t really see racism until I took a trip to south africa and saw how bad it