
....I wanted to say the same exact thing but I changed tabs to look up a definition and my nice long paragraph disappeared.

But it’s not all the same culture. Some of the white people are greeks, italians, jewish, etc. There isn’t really a shared culture beyond American, which is a part of all the racial minorities as well. There is a shared black culture that black people meet is tapping into. Because of slavery, jim crow, etc black

Nobody needs a trap to find racists in this country

It’s a bigoted site for bigoted people, who don’t even want the slightest chance of having to deal with some not White saying they like them.

I’d say the reason against this is that the reasons for Jdate or a similar website for black singles is that on a conventional dating website the majority of people on there are already white people. I doubt it’s hard for white singles to find white singles on OKCupid or Match.

“I like mayonnaise.”

Awful name. I really do not enjoy encountering the large number of people named... Daniel.

Whatever your name is, I guarantee it’s equally terrible. Your parents should be ashamed for naming you what they did. They should probably be ashamed at how they raised you, too.

For the vast majority of human history, the 17 year old girls in question were treated as property being bartered with. I’d guess that nobody asked them what they thought about it so your contention as to how that practice was considered is probably based on incomplete data.

Yup, white women too regarding racial diversity.

If they own them jointly and he says no, that should be the end of it. What’s even going though your mind to try and force your ex to have more kids with you?

the idea that protest must happen within a specific framework is never a) proportionate to the terror and oppression the people protesting (and/or those for whom they protest) face and b) in line with reality. look at every.single.historical.example. of actual change, then tell me if the people “followed the rules”

Protest is supposed to be annoying. If it were nice and under the radar, it would be pointless.

or maybe she had an ongoing problem that wasn’t properly diagnosed or treated. This time it killed her.

“Hey, stop stealing my ideas.” - Adam Sandler

I really don’t understand how this is still a thing. One of the previews before Star Wars last night was for White People of Ancient Egypt or whatever it’s called.

No one cares about your boner.

“...Allowing different surnames risks destroying social stability, the maintenance of public order and the basis for social welfare.”

I’m completely fine with the very real possibility that I will live out the rest of my life having never watched this video.