
holy crap I had the hardest time reading anything OTHER than ちんぽ市

I feel your pain, man

As soon as I read this I thought "That sounds kinda interesting. I'd totally get this...if I didn't hate playing FPS games on a touch screen."

I go to this arcade like every week and only the first 3 floors are Kowloon themed. The upper floors are like European themed and the Manga cafe at the top has a fairly modern feel.

The song started playing in my head as soon as I saw the words

I have a Canadian account and I got the message

Black 3 White 3

this movie doesn't come out until march in japan. i'll probably be able to get it off itunes or something before the japanese theatrical release

If I remember correctly it certainly wasn't a dark beer. So that could explain the poor combination.

Sounds good. Should I come across a different brand I'll give it a try. The others were probably right with the chocolate just being mixed with an inappropriate beer.

Two years ago in Japan, I came across chocolate beer being sold around Christmas in Japanese convenience stores. Totally intrigued, I decided to try a can. The mix of the sweet chocolate and the beer was absolutely horrible. I don't think it was as bad as this snack, but it's definitely a combination I wouldn't try has a retrospective that covers everything up until 4.

could I not just buy my own 3DS and microwave it myself for less than half that price

couldn't they use the bottom corners of the touch screen to map L3 and R3?

ok but what about the time travel?

console appliances needs to be a shop contest

i seriously doubt it. but hey, now you feel obligated to replay the whole thing multiple times

That might be a valid reason, actually. I'm also wondering if the Japanese version of this game will be region locked, as well. It just seems really un-like Atlus to do this.

It's a pretty good idea, for sure. But for someone like me who tends to read all (or a lot) of the comments following an article, clicking through each individual branch quickly becomes tedious. I can see myself eventually just following the "main" branch and then moving on.

It would be great if someone actually mastered all these phrases through this program, but the only way that they could say them is if they did it in the exact same rhythm and with the movements.