
to be fair though, tsu can be romanized as tu under the japanese-style romanization system. []

how long has Archaotic been the boogie man of kotaku?

I can't believe arrow to the knee jokes made it's way to Japan

aw man, after I went through all that trouble to learn Japanese.

I vote this picture to be material for the next shop contest.

Don't forget the play on words. It translates loosely to something like. "Next year (next spring), (my/your) chest swells in anticipation"

The cover art, however, can stay.

If this ad has taught me anything, it's that the only people who have Dance Central 2 are people with very nice homes.

Michael! Thanks for the articles! Good luck with whatever you find yourself working with in the future.

Once you learn kana, start learning basic kanji and basic grammar. Once you feel like you have a pretty good base, try reading manga with furigana (kana readings on top of kanji). [] and are good web resources. If you have an iOS device, I recommend downloading

Not available in the Canadian iTunes store ;_;

The Product Features are so poorly written it adds to the comedy.

maybe it changes to "in" after a certain time? like to count down hours?

@Dragonfang18: @Guru Smooth: @Cheese Addict: all of you. yes. you all win.

When McDonald's had the 200 yen Big Mac promotion for that week in December, I consumed more Big Macs than I ever would have deemed acceptable.

ok this is a huge pain in the ass seeing as i was going to pick up the 3ds in february when it launched here in japan. when i go home to north america, i don't want to drop another 300~ dollars on ANOTHER 3ds.

Man, that construction site does NOT look safe at all.