
You sound like a PC fanboy, that's for sure.

Seriously. I don't see anything wrong with this. You have the option to turn it off, whats the problem?

I'll be impressed when a WP7 or Android phone can get these scores running with the same specs:

You're right, they didn't invent any of those, they re-invented them. Why do you think Apple is the top seller in every single category you just listed? It's simple really, their products are better.

Yet the iPhone 4S out-performs the Samsung Galaxy S II.

"While the rest of the executive team takes the stage at every Apple event, I have yet to see Eddy."

If they ever add something like BiteSMS, I will go crazy!

Having a shutter button on top will produce less shake than having it on screen. Why do you think every camera in the world has the button on top? You can hold it so much better that way.

Haha, there are so many android fanboys posting on here! It's so funny!


By true multitasking do you mean battery sucking useless feature? iOS's multitasking is much more efficient than any other mobile OS. And how is it not true multitasking? Double tap the home button and select the app you want to go to, it's that simple.

CPU matters too.

It's all about OS efficiency. Android phones need the higher specs because the OS can't take full advantage of the available resources. iOS, however, is much better at taking advantage of the resources available. If Android was more efficient, they wouldn't need as high of specs to get the same performance. I believe

Considering the iPhone 4S can take 1080p, they need an Apple TV that can display it.

They say that because they just don't want to be like Apple, even though they are the obvious leaders in both categories.

The bigger phone takes up more space and means your thumb can't reach as far because it is bigger. There isn't anything scientific about that, more common sense ;)

Haha I think we found another android fan boy ;)

Thanks Obama.

I think it will help to bring down piracy, at least a little. For those who want the feature and only pirate the occasional song or two, then I think they will now be more likely to buy it off iTunes. But the fact is, if something is illegal, people will always keep doing it.

This is pointless, not on Gizmodo's end, but on the testers end. All it is doing is comparing an SSD to mechanical storage, which we all know the outcome. Then it is comparing a sandybridge 3.4GHz CPU to an older 3.33GHz CPU in JUST single threaded apps. If you knew anything about harddrives and CPUs, this isn't