Michel Lichand

Her performance in Wonder Woman is fantastic, so much better than her 'performance' in Dawn of Justice (where she was basically a living trailer for an expanded universe). Hopefully the other directors will follow in Jenkins' footsteps.

I've been thinking about getting back into SHIELD. I dropped it at the beginning of this season… what did I miss?

You guys think this works as a re-introduction to Flash and Supergirl for those who dropped the show in the beginning of their current seasons?

I didn't really like this. I don't understand why, though. I love Glover, I like FX's output, I liked the visual style and some of the gags and I don't mind rap enough to dislike it, but also don't like it. But for some reason I kinda just turned it off after he met the white guy at the radio station. I think it was

But how will Zack Snyder realize his dream vision of showing a world that thinks Superman killed people with a bullet if he has to spend that time… developing characters?!

There needs to be a National Treasure 3.

So this show is good?

There's a dramatic version in here.

There's a smile on the face of tomorrow…

"She's dying? My money was on you!"

Dude. DUDE. If Starfire and Miss Martian got on the show and they got Zatanna and they got a Titans going on holy shit I need this.

Okay, so, the way the police found out about Forrest's murder was definitely through the tape of the show, right? I mean, there was no one around in that motel.

I've never seen Heroes. Can I watch this one?

I miss Craig Ferguson and his "let's just do whatever we want" mentality. Now that was the kind of show that I loved to watch… does Colbert have the same type of mentality?

1 - he didn't seem to care about it when he was begging his intern to do it. It's borderline stupidity.

Maybe this is just my pedantic self, but they really need to address Forrest's inability to use the footage of his own damn show.

Really? Pay phones? Great boiling everything down to unimportant details and claiming you've discovered some unknown secret, internet.

Oh, they're still thinking there's gonna be a Fantastic Four sequel? Even if the movie rocks, FOX's marketing has been so horrible it probably won't make enough money.

Oh you!

I'd say it started way back when with Watchmen and Dark Knight Returns on the comics. And then you slowly see things like DC introducing mutants (like metahumans aren't supposed to be mutants) and the Death of Superman, but I think it wasn't until the new 52 when 'grim' became the word most people say after DC.