Title correction:
I’m in the middle of playing through starcraft 1's campaign. And often think of going back to warcraft 2 (my 1st blizzard game ever), but whenever i do i get tired of it pretty fast. the ui just isnt up to snuff anymore. but if they were to remake warcraft 1-2 with a warcraft 3's engine i would buy it in a heartbeat
That is how i read it as well, but the real mystery is why have two possible punchlines when neither is funny or original.
The Mech with the Gatling gun straight up blew my mind. Amazing!
So i feel like the real new here is that the voice of Duke Nukem is named Jon St. John. I propose that all Duke Nukem games change their names to Jon St. John. 1000% better name for a over the top action hero.
as someone else who was in the military, i would like to point out that they are mc d’s employees. so maybe just lighten the fuck up. At ease killer.
Black Jesus is redundant. Jesus was black. read his description in the bible. (Signed-the whitest dude on Kotaku)
The salted pork is especially good.