
I grew up in a home with parents who couldn’t cook for shit

Ooooh, somebody gonna be maaaad....

Most of our harsh drug laws are racial or political in nature, if not both.

Want to think about something horrible? Maybe they’re working off experience.

It’s dead center in the United States.

Go to St. Louis and try the pizza.

KC here. There are two things to know about ST. Louis cuisine:

Only if you think Steam and Epic only has one group of consumers.

That’s not really true.

Yep, they sure can. For a week.

I mean, good advice, but that has not a damn thing to do with Bioware. 

How does going from 0 to 100 on content not require crunch?

If not for the games themselves, at least for what they’ve done to employees while developing them.

That's because it was not a fair point in the slightest. 

1 in 7 adults have a family member who has served a prison sentence for at least a year.

Preferably. But I’m really more considering girth, length, and sense of personal freedoms in this clapback.

Fair point. He probably just wanted to prevent the slavery of his people in his country, I suppose.

Bless you and your pup.

Let the record show that when presented with images of a black warrior peacefully preventing the enslavement of his ancestors at no visible harm to any white person, numerous white players decided this was anti-white propaganda, not the most obvious thing to do with time travel right next to “prevent the Holocaust”.

Three black dudes do not a black woman make.