Strange Shapes

I'm glad to see this channel get notice, the guy behind them does a lot of work and makes these really professional and touching videos. He's also a bit-part actor, so he relates to the subject matter. Great stuff, I'm just waiting for that Dick Miller episode!

This isn't true, the OfficialMichaelBiehn instagram account does not belong to him, and a cursory read of the contents would quickly reveal that some very unconvincing mimicry is going on. Additionally, Biehn's wife has since told Empire Online (days ago) that Michael is not on, nor associated with, that instagram

You also have to keep in mind that the rewrites that abhored O'Bannon so much were nothing like the film that was released. The producers had rewritten his script so that the Space Jockey was a human, and the egg silo was a government testing ground for bioweapons. The entire Nostromo mission was to serve as battle

That's right. The scene in the film is actually two different takes. The first blood splatter on Kane's chest is from a take where the chestburster didn't come through. They spliced it into a successful take because Scott liked how it looked and how the actors reacted.