
As someone who really likes windows phone but had to go back to Android for a select few apps I need for daily activities that weren’t on the Windows phone platform at all I can tell you you are very wrong.

I know a lot of people out there agree with you… but it’s still the best long-form narrative I’ve ever experienced.

A wizard is never large, nor is he small. He takes up exactly as many gigabytes as he means to.

It would have been the biggest troll if they only had Flash cameo for a few seconds with him shouting, throu static and bright lights, “LOIS IS THE KEY! YOU WERE RIGHT ABOUT HIM! IVE COME TOO EARLY!” then disappearing. Super girl wonders "what was that all about?" She shrugs and thus resumes another typical Supergirl

Let's be honest: Everything after the pilot in the first season is pretty much garbage until maybe the CDC. And then the show spent the three years that followed being only occasionally watchable before turning a corner once Andrea finally died.