
that’ll do, hopper...that’ll do.

I don’t see how anyone could fail to be excited by this. When you look at how well Alias ended... Well, okay, when you look at how satisfying Lost’s ending was... Ahhhh, fuck.

A Tesla movie would would seem a perfect fit for an lesson in american history

Mario is a .... Hipster!?

*sniffle* Now we can all say we read her writing back before it was “cool” and “award-winning”

It’s okay, they disabled write-caching in her brain.


I may be among the minority here but I don’t find the effect bad at all and I have no problem with it. My suspension of disbelief is actually less affected by this than if they had cast a younger, sort-of-look-alike actor.

My response is always: 1. half the population has an IQ less than 100. 2. Two thirds of the U.S. population doesn’t have a college education.

Well like every other youngster there comes a time where they need to be put into the ground and robbed to show them life is no joke.

Now you’re just giving Marvel Ideas.

My best guess: It will turn out the Terrigen Mists don’t kill mutants. It just puts them into a death-like state while it changes them. He’ll come back more powerful than ever. Until, it turns out that making mutants inhuman drastically reduces their lifespan. Then, they’ll use reverse-engineered Celestial tech to

I thought the same thing. The girl playing Violet even looks like a young Emily Browning.

“Lightweight, if you’re wondering”

The show from the onset has been a mystery that informs the audience through visual storytelling. Elliot’s narrative is just for style. Reading your last few reviews, it feels like you take comfort in straightforward storytelling, rather than what the show is trying to accomplish. The shows & story events you believe

The way they’ve bludgeoned us the past two movies, I swear I’d pay full price at the cinema every day for a week (or more) just to see a movie of nothing but Superman doing good deeds and smiling. Kitties, airplanes, subs, nuclear reactors, puppies, a kid having a bad day, fishing boats, coal mines, landslides, saving

MySpace isn’t going anywhere...every single person under 25 uses it everyday.

He’s Han Solo the White now.