
I have to say, while I fully intend to keep RTS-ing on PC, the point about the guy with the Move practicing to be good with the new control scheme really is probably the biggest hurdle. I bought the Move and Sharpshooter add-on to play Killzone 3, and it took a good two weeks before I was comfortable with the new

Yeah, Hemingway is such a 'fad', and Homer is such a fucking superficial hack.

People tend to hate things that are meaningful, or popular, just to be contrarian.

I don't know how I missed it, I actually looked through it twice before commenting. I don't think it's overrated, myself, I thought it thoroughly enjoyable.

Yeah, me too. I actually have first edition first printings of all his books (and signed copies of Fight Club, Survivor, and Devil).

I was surprised about Slaughterhouse V, too, because that's the book people most commonly associate with Vonnegut's brilliance (Cat's Cradle is probably second).

I've read 12 of them, myself. 1984, Catcher in the Rye, and Lord of the Flies are my favorites on the list.

I agree the article is condescending, as is the attitude of most PC gamers. I'm not an elitist, but I don't think it's arguable that PCs offer the maximum experience (with the most options/mods/etc.).

You realize the two options aren't mutually exclusive, I play fun games that also have great graphics, not either-or. I guess I just prefer the maximum possible experience, and graphical fidelity is a part of that equation.

I have a 50 ft HDMI cable, myself, and the PC is across the room . . . But my wife also games (as in: Fallout 3, Skyrim, on the couch with a laptop playing Thief 2 right at this very moment), so I don't have to worry about that shit so much.

Never played Mother 3, but once you're emotionally invested in characters/games and when you've waited like six years for the sequels, and all that pre-launch-show-up-at-midnight anticipation, finally getting resolution (both in just being able to finally play the game after looking at screenshots and trailers for

Yeah, man, that shit was just awesome. I got fucking goosebumps.

It is for exclusives (it's true, I can't play games like Uncharted, inFamous, or Halo on PC, well besides Halo 1 & 2 which I have on PC), sports games, playing online with friends and with voice chat (which I've never really done much on PC), and Rock Band (I still play RB3 on Pro Expert drums with 3 cymbals, it's

Only two games have ever made me misty (spoiler alerts):

You must not like way better graphics and resolutions.

That's why you connect your PC to your TV/Stereo with an HDMI cable, and use a 360 wireless controller. I bought a PC four years ago, and have upgraded the graphics card once (for $160), and can still run every game at max settings at 1080p.

I don't want to hear it. Films (and even TV) are more graphic and get a free pass. I can't watch those awful internet gore videos (or even the torture porn horror films), but I happen to enjoy a good gibbing and videogame violence.

Scariness aside, Call of Pripyat is an amazing, amazing game. Definitely in my top 5 all-time FPSs. The way they refined the anomalies was just perfect.

Then the world is still in order.

So, homophobia sucks but misogyny is okay?