
I'd be willing to bet the people who still want Armor Lock are in the overwhelming minority.

Yup, it totally fucks up the game flow. I haven't pick the game up in about 2 weeks.

Seriously. Everybody wants Megaplex, just give it to us already.

I totally agree, the survival/rewind mechanic kind of fucks the game up. I end up having to restart races constantly instead of just replacing my rider on the track and catching up.

I liked the story in Crysis 1, it was Indiana Jones and The Lost Ark with Koreans instead of Nazis and Aliens instead of the Ark.

That is a very small part of the AI, though. Yes, they suck at driving. But play the game on Legendary, and watch the enemy AI at work. It's fucking amazing.

For me, personally, I hated:

This got me so jazzed I'm booting up Call Me Ishmael.

You're absolutely right. The best AI in FPSs goes to: 1) Halo series; 2) Crysis 1 & Warhead; 3) STALKER series

Hey, hey, hey, hey, watch the leather outfit, man.

Super dominant male monkey motherfucker!

Haha, I owned Combat for Atari.

That's a good point, and a cool feature. I can think of other games that have secondary/optional objectives, like Crysis and Deus Ex: HR, but off-hand can't think of another game where the difficulty directly affects objectives.

It also totally ignores that if you spend less money on assisting the poor, you're going to have to spend more money on law enforcement and imprisonment.

What's funny about your assumptions, Jeffery, is that the GOP uses the Big Lie on a daily basis, and parallels the statist/conservative social efforts of some pretty awful regimes.

Gee, what does that seem similiar to nowadays in the United States? Throw in some gay bashing and that sounds like Mitt Romney's entire platform.

Yup, and Nakatomi Plaza was the building name. Jokin' around, buddy.

I'm a bit late to come back to this party, but I just picked up an original pressing of Kind of Blue on vinyl from my favorite record store today. Also, a McKinley Morganfield Muddy Waters Chess Records album. Awesome.

My three favorite movie soundtracks:

I say Hans Gruber, lets take it up a notch Nakatomi-style.