I found #ourgirls !!!
I found #ourgirls !!!
I see what you did there.
It hurts that motherfucking ice cubes are now a style statement to post-men.
I’m not underpaid. I’m not overworked. I DO want to be a long-haul driver. Actually, I am.
As a driver, I’ve always packed heat in my truck (my first boss actually insisted on it). In Elizabeth, NJ, I had to pull my pistol on a guy who hopped onto my running boardsand tried opening my driver door (while my truck was moving) because that’s how they hijack you, there - on the move. Most drivers now are…
I always begin a hangover remedy with four Excedrin. Now I know why I find myself yelling “get a job” at stray dogs.
My two favorite BLM chants -
Bernie. Gotcha.
Speaking of trolls, how much does Crooked Hillary pay you?
Big words are hard. I get it.
You just destroyed one of the strongest arguments of proponents of AGW. If it is only the scientists you believe, and not the interests of their benefactors, i.e., their money-men, then do you apply the same logic to environmental studies carried out by scientists, but funded by oil and natural gas companies? In both…
I assumed that’s where the inference came from. Remember, though, that enormous tracks of land all across Africa and Asia are free of what we’d consider world-class facilities (at least ones available to us). It’s one of the reasons the remote, ungoverned regions between Afghanistan and Pakistan are such a tactical…
Maybe you didn’t highlight everything you wanted to. Robert is right: there’s nothing there.
How many countries are you expecting to be invested in advanced robotics? So far, only Japan and the US are heavily invested in the science at an industrial scale, and we’re allies. China is a worry, but probably not as much of a ground-war worry as some people make it out to be. It’s a very, very rare thing for free,…
I’m struggling to see where that was inferred.
Go train ISIS in gaming. I’ll buy you a ticket.
Whereas our elected officials, unlike our fighters, only look toward the next election cycle. Our boys are the best at winning wars, but they’re up against our politicians, who are, unfortunately, the best at losing them.
Pay attention to trends in politics, demographics, natural resource scarcities, adventurous despots and food and water supplies. Or don’t - we already have people on that.
Pretty soon the backup for these looney theories will come trickling out in Hollywood interviews. I remember thinking Prince was pretty cool until the last interview I watched. He’s a hardcore “chemtrail” nutter who thinks black crime is created by passing planes spraying anger-inducing toxins. The conspiracy sites…
First of all, it’s a quotation, not a quote. I got it from some ultra right-wing hate sites who also don’t know the difference. Brainyquote.com, azquotes.com, inspiringquotes.com, and wikipedia.org. Most are owned by BIG OIL, funded by the Koch brothers, and advertised by Glenn Beck.