Strange Meridians

Your name is McDonald’s. I’m lovin’ it.

To me, it spoke volumes to an individual’s propensity for believing whatever the hell they want to believe, without ever stepping back for a moment and considering the logic of it.

“We were totally wrong” is a fast-evaporating acceptable concept in many spheres of earth science. Bravo!

He should have made a “clock” instead.

I was doing that, too. Then it became cool, so...

Thanks for that!

“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to BRING THAT ABOUT?”

I pulled the same on “Peace Fresno” after leaving the Marine Corps in 2003, though my shenanigans were in 2005-2006.

Now playing

You’re of course talking about your beloved “hockey stick”, the one used in multiple IPCC reports. The one that uses tree ring data as a proxy for all temperature before 1960, and direct recorded thermometer data after in order to disappear the warming pause, right? The one Dr Mann is being sued for because it’s an

It probably needs to be said - The implications of such a massive deception and manipulation aren’t just damaging to Facebook and Zuckerberg’s reputation, but to the faith we all put in social media.

Maybe you should work for the new lefty-facist machine, yourself. No intelligence needed, just blind obedience.

The middle-aged men thing doesn’t really surprise me. It’s a common age for divorce, which the majority of the time is instigated by the woman. Pop culture all but ignores those beyond their 30s, especially those who maintain their age-based values system involving feelings of family, country, sex, religion, culture,

Simpsons did it!

Sorry, the part about people losing their minds over “essentially trace quantities of NOx”?

Your “clean” Volkswagen is a farce. Turn on the news.

What is a “construction rig”? And can you link those exhaust comparisons?

“Strike Fighter program is becoming the most expensive military blunders of all time.”

Here’s an interesting bit of knowledge.

What Little Boy and Fat Man did was the necessary lesser of two enormous evils brought about directly by the actions of those who were incinerated. If you would like to argue that the deaths of possibly millions of American and Japanese servicemen and civilians in the inevitable invasion presents a better scenario,

Joe Biden told me to just shoot them THROUGH the front door. That’s not murder, right?