Granted I'm no expert on the Russian language, but there was absolutely no change in intonation when someone RAN A FUCKING CAR OFF A BRIDGE.
Granted I'm no expert on the Russian language, but there was absolutely no change in intonation when someone RAN A FUCKING CAR OFF A BRIDGE.
How dare those mere dhimmis assert that they are sovereign in their homeland! They should submit to Islam and pay the jizzya tax, right?
separated at birth?
Bravo I couldn't have said it better. Honestly I feel it is the free worlds duty to help the Israelis so the Holocaust does not happen again. If I would have known about the foreign volunteer program for the IDF I would have done some time in the IDF before the US Army.
Well, they paid for some of it. And yeah, we paid for some of it.
Driving a C5 Corvette with an exhaust through Monaco is akin to driving a Plymouth Sundance with a body kit through the streets of Tokyo.
With RAF Panavia Tornados in the background. Random random picture.
This awesome tribute comes as no surprise: I run a small ad agency and fly all over the world, but Southwest Airlines is the ONLY airline I'm always thrilled to have a chance to fly... And I say it! The clearest, no-nonsense policies, the most reliable service, and - best of all - the nicest, friendliest, funniest,…
Jalopniks might greenly (verdantly?) admire the man. Most important, we have a profound respect and affection for Mr. Leno's tastes, work, and willingness to share his fortune. To be sure, only one Hollywood star has permitted me to drive, albeit vicariously and in two dimensions, a Duesenberg! Surely our Jay is a…
It's always terrible to realize your lost opportunities.
I went to boarding school (and roomed, in IV form) with a kid whose Dad was (perhaps the President of) International Watch Company, that marque. He was always getting "IWC" watches in the mail and I thought it such a dumb name they couldn't possibly be valuable or desirable. "Dad sent me another watch. Want it?" "No,…
Even though not close to say Jezebel, even Jalopnik tends to stay really liberal. A bit too liberal to even know that Ted is active with preserving America's natural gifts. I personally look at him as being a person who is not afraid to voice his opinion against the current campaign's attempted brainwashing of the…
You said pretty much what I was going to say.
Hmmm. Time to stick up for the 'Nuge? Well, everyone in the mainstream media - and on this thread - says Ted Nugent is bad, but I don't think he's bad. I like him. He's a major voice for environmental stewardship, he has unique and valuable opinions - loudly, rudely voiced, like Jesse Jackson or Charlie Rangel (the…
....wait soooo are we supposed to steal these cars? is that what the commercial is telling us? because fat giants are pretty much the only people who can afford these cars
Bob Guccione. Is that you?
Avoid a collision by "cutting the wheel and add throttle?" As a veteran offshore sailor who has fixed many a powerboat, towed them off, and watched one or two sink, I would add: SLOW THE HECK DOWN.
You mean governments lie about tragic events??? whoda thunk?