
I've found that in every single one of my runs, I spend the entire first mile to two miles convincing myself to keep going and not going home. After that it becomes more of a "well, if my legs are already moving...". But I do consider that I like running. Getting into the zone is just so great that all the other

The trick is to buy the box wine and start drinking it that evening. It keeps longer than bottles when opened, but you're not going to have 50 year old box wine. Ever! Don't buy this stuff in bulk unless you are a very heavy drinker :)

Weight Watchers is glorified calorie counting... I tried doing actual calorie counting and found it a big pain in the ass but WW is easier because they made it a bit simpler. After I lose some weight and want to maintain then calorie counting makes more sense (you get an exact count of WHAT your calories are rather

You can eat nothing but crap and lose weight not on the program. You can eat nothing but crap and gain weight not on the program. If you're hungry on weight watchers you quickly figure out which foods give you "bang for the buck" and these are usually healthy.

If VS took these on, it would be fantastic. Some of them I could never see them printing in all honesty ("no means no" for one) but others would be ENTIRELY marketable to their target ("consent is sexy" "<3 Consent" etc)

YES PLEASE! Especially the "Consent is Sexy" ones!

I never use emoticons or repeated exclamation points with people at work that I'm not familiar with... But with people on my team, or that I work with often, there are a TON of smiley faces, exclamation points, and clip art.

Kinky sex and spy fantasies. Obviously.

I'm here with you. I think its great that you're outing people... but these are minors...

Confession time: I voted for McCain. At the time I was pretty passive about politics and I thought Obama was full of crap.

I would take it in and ask. A decent tailor should be able to tell you, or give you an idea!

I don't know about you but my sorority has never helped me in anything professional networking-wise. I know that its supposed to... but it really doesn't.


New doctor! New doctor! New doctor!

This. Exactly this. I read an article recently about how when people (especially kids) are told they're fat, they don't notice when they get fatter, because they've always been "fat".

I recently had the luck of dating someone both codependent AND afraid of commitment. That is a very fun cocktail.

As a woman, and a strong supporter of the American Cancer Society, I both agree and disagree with you here.

Seconded! As someone who was part of a NPC sorority, it was drilled into my (our) heads that "little sister organizations lead to ONLY BAD THINGS" so it never occurred to me that these even were functional organizations. I feel like Jez would do an excellent job of covering this topic!

I'm trying out outlook now, and so far I like it. The UI is really pleasing to look at and most of my problems with it are because of minor issues (The Send button is in a different place!!!)

I'm doing the same thing. It took about 3 days from everything to come through in spurts of a thousand or so at a time. I have everything as of this morning.