n54 & s38

E38?No way!

still think the original G35 coupe looks better (not the interior though)

i’d rather have a nice E36 M3 for less $ than the average E30 M3


saergaid ix533 yM

That’s how everyone in Canada refers to it

thats actually kind of cool

“How to get your Porsche 918 Spyder up to 217 MPH, using this one weird old trick”

yes. First thing I thought too. Mazda is the only modern manufacturer whose cars I would be nervous about buying due to rust Problems. First gen and even some second gen Mazda 3s as well

on the plus side they might end up with their own jet airplanes. And millionaires!

yes! My son will watch walk through videos of people playing games that HE ALREADY HAS!! Why??!!

yup. Just like when you're young and you don't think twice about crashing at a friends place for the night. And then in your 30's, suddenly you're like, "meh, I'd really like to sleep in my own bed tonight. Fuck it, I'll just take a cab"

also "lose" vs "loose"

my dad drove the same car for 12 years. A 1988 Ford Taurus. Dark blue w/ a subtle pinstripe. Even though he could have afforded it, he drove that car for 12 years atraught. Finally, in January 2000, he bought himself the redesigned Nisswn Maxima. I got the old Taurus as my first car - and was thrilled to have it. I

oh my god. You win.

your mom sounds badass. And a little scary.

I think the original BMW M5 should have been on here. Dropping a nearly 300 HP straight six out of your race car straight into your missile executive 1984?! Nobody saw that coming...

fuck yeah!

agreed. I owned a Probe GT second gen and its a fun car but not a lot that can be done to make it go faster

Totally. Handsome cars too