Why didn’t Obama jailed the Bloody Gina? If she was good for the Nobel Peace Prize Winner why she is not for the worst candidate (that beat Hillary)? Ooooh, yeah, let’s look forward.
Why didn’t Obama jailed the Bloody Gina? If she was good for the Nobel Peace Prize Winner why she is not for the worst candidate (that beat Hillary)? Ooooh, yeah, let’s look forward.
Imagine this was Mitt Romney and how in 2014 he was still whining and blaming everyone but himself. Just for a moment. And Hillary have not hust to stop talking but to go to jail, for Syria, for Libya, her unsecured server, and sucking hundrends of millions in her foundation and cheating in primaries. Imagine if…
You’re misleading people, you didn’t mention Stefan Halper. Just like in 2015 librul media were hiding the content of leaked Podesta, DNC, Hillary emails. This is cenzorship, but that’s the commie way.
Oh man Blest, you’re going on the top of the Atlantic Council “Black List of the Russian Agents in Internet”. I know there is such thing because one twiterati trolled me, and he said I’m in the balck list not because I was lying, but because I said true things about Russian business.
What adumb propaganda. You’re playing more dumb and lying than Bush and Cheney.
Joke? You mean “joke”.
Stop calling it just torture. You sound like a Kremlin bot, sowing division and trying to subvert the american democracy. It’s a moderate torture. That means it served the american interest.
You sound like a Kremlin bot to every orthodoxal democrat, Blest.
What a war porn, starring the Rocekt Man. Not a word how the old soviet animissile Syrian defence took 71 of the smart and beautiful murrican rockets. What are you? A Pentagon PR department? The fake Left is so disgusting neocon.
“allegedly to meet with a well–connected Kremlin official to seek help for a Trump victory”. Allegedly is not a proof. For two years lewwingnuts is saying Trump is Russian agent, ALLEGEDLY. In the meantime there were tons of proofs that Hillary play with secret information like a todler with a lollipo and nothing.…
Trump had really good nat sec adviser but thanks to the Hillary cultists in media, intelligence agencies he was ousted. Bolton is in White house because of your paranoia. You don’t want people who thinks is good to get along with Russia and Iran, well, congratulations, your wish is here.
The sad thing is that the Democrats and their media minions are pushing Trump to war, hoping to create another Bush by killing another few millions of people. I hope this time the war to be really short - just one bomb on Riyadh and it ends. And not only the war but the petrodollar and the american exceptionalism.
The most disgusting thing is how dems are attacking Ivanka for exactly the same thing that Hillary did. Hillary amassed hundreds of millions in her foundation while she was secretary of state. But no, this is not corruption, and that’s while all the liberal media was silent during her exploits.
You mean like all the MSM jurnos from the Cult Hillary? They still blabbing about some collusion, every week and after two years there is zero proof of collusion.
The Dmocratic party is melting, the corporate democrats gonna destroy the party, because they love more Hillary and the donors than voters.
It’s racist not to like the every Hollywood’s vomit. Or not cool. Or else. It’s like McDonalds - the ads says “so great”, until you taste it and WTF is this garbadge, even the stray dogs and cats refuse to eat it. Gizmodo/io9 become an advertisement bilboard of Hollywood crap, bloggers are paid shills, serving it.…
The shock is for the morons, the dirty cops are trying to set a trap for Trump, just like they did with Michael Flynn. Flynn never colluded with Russia but Psycho Joe and the sister of Al Qaeda are blabbing nonstop “Russia, accused, Russia”.
Oh, the horror!!! He’s like Obama. Exactly like him, Gunatanamo, Honduras, Syria, the same shit again.
And somehow Rachel Maddow making a list of Russians is not a xenofphobia.
I’ve never been part of the FBI, can I also fly on the FBI plane? I bet if this thing happened four years ago and McCabe was a livid republican splinter/gawker would be spewing hate and venom because how the F someone who was fired is still using his perks? How? Oh, he’s our own son of bitch.