Imagine if such a thing happened in the Trump campaign. The headline would scream SEXISM, CREEP, RAPIST. But because it was Our Dear Leader Hillary let’s make the article as dull as possible. She’s a saint, she’s absolutely innocent.
Imagine if such a thing happened in the Trump campaign. The headline would scream SEXISM, CREEP, RAPIST. But because it was Our Dear Leader Hillary let’s make the article as dull as possible. She’s a saint, she’s absolutely innocent.
Sooo, CNN is fake news? Or just regular Hillcult antiRussia propaganda machine?
Because of article of this I keep visiting gizmodo, despite all the smearing against Assange and all the blind Hillary cultism.
Soon all the Russiagaters conspiracy theorists gonan eat their own shits, just like Gawker after called Weinstein broters “idiots” for investing in Bitcoins, because Russiagate is worse than Watergate.
With ‘partners’ like Saudi Arabia there’s no need to invent Wakanda or Wacanada. There was a great moment in 2016 when an AP reporter asked State Department spokesman to compare the American policy toward Iran’s elections and the American policy toward Saudi Arabia non-existent elections. The spokesman literally…
If the president was a Democrat Gizmodo media would respond not only with scepticism, but call this story total BS, as it sounds to every reason person. I’m reading article in that not only parroting the oppresive agency’s talking points spreaded by friendly jurnoz, but are doubting and asking…
I still rememeber how in 2013 Gawker mocked Winkelwos twins for buying one % fg all BTC. Do you?
Hiiiiilarious. In the meantime hillbots still believe in Russiagate, even after year and a half “investigation” and zero evidence.
So what? Another big BOMBSHELL, that will turn to dud, like every other BOMBSHELL:RUSSIARUSSIARUSSIA from the from the russiagaters in the last year, that after a day or two end like fake news. Imagine if Russiagate was against Obama. 90% of american MSM would whine “Nooo, this is policially motivated witch hunt…
Why 10% of North Korea’s citizens? Why not 10% of US citizens? After all it’s US that craves “a democratization”.
“Clinton has been knee-deep in security issues for a long time now.”
What a supruse, huh? After so many superhero movies I’ve learned: trailer=salting a mine. Like McDonald’s ads, so many promises to trick you to buy shits.
That’s BS. BBC find one man with remorse and you imply all 15 million brexiteers are the same. That’s worst propaganda ever. Everyone have remorse. Me for reading Gawker last 8 year since Obama won, because became his tool.
Oh, where are good old times, when everybody hated Bush and such incident would made you a hero? In the dich, repalced by politcorectness.
Iv was leftwing until the Nobel peace prize winner Obama proves he’s worst than Bush, starting morenew wars and throw world into chaos.
Gawker sounds pathetic like the tragic new Wonkette.
Maybe this will convince you that golf is not a sport.
That’s second time Gawker rush to denial the truth and to label The Media innocent, just victim of Trump’s cunning plan. Just google “trump magazine cover”.
Let’s celebrate ISIS bombings american style.
Electing Obama not only didn’t stop racism, but spare him criticism, because of politcorrectness.He killed more people than Bush and yet notning.