He may or may not be a bad person. I don’t know. But the fact that he willingly aligns himself with David Miscavige and other equally evil people, and acts on their behalf, makes me say fuck him. And as good as this sounds, I won’t see it.
He may or may not be a bad person. I don’t know. But the fact that he willingly aligns himself with David Miscavige and other equally evil people, and acts on their behalf, makes me say fuck him. And as good as this sounds, I won’t see it.
R.I.P. A.V. Club
Or perhaps, just perhaps... he’s spent the last decade-plus intentionally tanking his career so that he can get back to that level of anonymity.
It’s like a freakin’ country bear jamboroo around here!
SYLVIO is so good. It sure ain’t the prettiest game, and the puzzles are pretty obtuse (hell, the gameplay in general is pretty obtuse) but it gives me more genuine shivers than most horror games manage. And man, that soundtrack.
Notably, the headline is not “R.I.P. Joe Jackson.” No one wants peace for him.
You have nothing to worry about on that count from me.
Perhaps I would, but you’ve provided no link or information about how to find it.
... there are men alive in here!
+1 for comment/username synergy
II realize it’s not a perfect solution, but everyone complaining about this should be reading the site through an RSS reader like Feedly. It lets you dictate what you want to read; nothing is given higher priority over anything else. Of course, RSS was also significantly botched in the redesign, but it’s still loads…
In a way, it’s great that these three came together. I’m too busy to ignore three separate movies, but throwing them all in the same pot frees up so much time for me!
If you want It, here It is, come and get It.
Are... are you kidding? There was an RIP Newswire, and Kyle gave him a lengthy eulogy, too.
But was the motel in the morning even the same motel they pulled into the night before? When Cooper left, the car was parked in a completely different place relative to the room, and the door didn’t seem to have a 7 on it.
He met the bare minimum of human decency for his brother, whom he doubtlessly cares about. Ergo, he deserves endless endorsement from all websites, including this one.
Don’t feel like you’re under any obligation to hang around. You are not.
Politico needs clicks and wrote an attention-grabbing headline.