
You want to know what broadcasters want to say when criticized by viewers or listeners? “I don’t call you at work to tell you how to flip the burgers, honey.” A meteorologist has studied long and hard for that degree - and having to meet all sorts of appearance expectations from television producers is a pain in the

You need to watch the race closer Logano is dirty to everyone even his teammates and Kenseth is the one that is not going to take Logano shit and the only reason Logano let Kenseth back in after he pushed him out is because he knew he did wrong to the wrong Driver cause Kenseth will get him back!!!

The thing is Kenseth got punished for doing the same thing back to Logano and baby Logano got no punishment so he thinks he is above the rules...maybe Logano needs to be punished once and then maybe he will learn that the other racers are tired of his shit!!!

Right, I here you. Let’s take a bunch of FWD family sedans out to Talladega and run them around the track at 90mph. I’m sure Fox would double the amount of their 6 billion dollar advertising contract. (said nobody ever)

Totally disagree here. Logano crashed a lot of cars this weekend and only one was his. There was absolutely no reason for him to drive down that low at that point in the race. It was done on purpose and if I were Matt I would drive Joey the same way from here on out until the end of time. It is Logano that obviously

Logano is straight up dirty. He is a bully at the track. He blocks harder than anyone in the sport, and he has no qualms about bumping people out of the way. There is only one other driver in NASCAR I consider as dirty as Logano - Kurt Busch.

Holding his line last year in KS was not dirty. He didn’t pull a dirty move at Sega or Martinsville last year. The first incident was an honest mistake, and probably caused by side draft. The second incident was of no fault of Logano, yet Kensetg blamed him anyway. What specifically has he done that’s unequivocally

Logano has been really dirty lately.. from the race where he wrecked Kenseth for the win up to now.