
Impressive that you’ve calculated the CO2 footprint of a car which hasn’t been built coming from a factory which isn’t complete. Does your secret information source span to real-world examples?

5000??? WTF?

I’m pretty sure the “greenies” are more concerned about the massive quantity of trash plastic making it’s way to the ocean. For reference, Alabama, with it’s nonexistent plastic bag law, pumps Loads of plastic straight from WalMart to the Gulf. Don’t believe it? Head to Gulf Shores and take a swim.

This is an absurdly myopic argument.

This plastic bag analogy is a terrible go-to for you to prove your point. You’re really missing the forest for the trees with it

Counter-counterpoint, we’re not talking about CO2 we’re talking about nitrogen oxides and particulates which are extremely toxic to humans. we’re not talking about greenhouse gases we’re talking about things that literally kill human beings when they are inhaled

Arctic is burning. Amazon is being cut down at an incredible rate. Hurricanes are dropping more water as the climate changes. Unplanned Medical services can financial cripple a large chunk of Americans. Wages haven’t gone up in years. And I got an headache.

That's fucking great. 

I can’t believe those morons in Oklahodahio have the same number of Senators in Congress that I do.

no no no. point is you trust your judgment better than medical experts judgment. and that’s why we have measles epidemic in 2019

´The medical experts don’t know shit` is enough for me thank you

Angry.  Angry young man.

You seem pretty triggered to me. 

Are you a gimmick account? The poster who starts every post with “Bullshit”?

I’m pretty sure you are given how this whole thing is playing out. You are the only one seeming to get upset. Everyone else is trying to have a civil discussion. Why don’t you take a break to your safe space and come back when you can contribute.

not too difficult to understand. follow me here: you can’t make a point by saying ‘this happened to me and I didn’t react like that’ cause it is YOUR personal experience. people are different -> they react in different ways, don’t compare them to you, there is not right way to handle things, especially traumatic

That’s because showing a car crash on TV tends not to make drivers think “that car crash did the job. Maybe I’ll go out and have a car crash too.”

Except... You know... there have been plenty of male Captain Marvels...

oh my God you're dumb. 

False equivalence. Men have held the power/positions forever, so what your saying makes no sense.