
I mean, it’s not like that’s all he was doing. It was probably a few hours of effort over a period of a year. Totally worth it.

I disagree. Everything is political, because politics is about our society, and who it’s for. When people say they don’t want to bring politics into something, what they are really saying is that they want to maintain society’s status quo and pretend anything that is “other” doesn’t exist, or is too indecent to be

You’re such a fucking wimp ass snowflake. I bet you never even got in a fistfight, but instead cried to Mommy like the little shit you are.

lol is this like a parody post about dumbass gamers or is this you being a dumbass.

Are you bizarro me? I literally balked at the headline, then got through the first paragraph before just sitting there with a scrunched up =/ face because OOF... Did not know this stuff about Rousey and yeah, forget that noise.  Don’t glorify a hurtful jerk.

Yeah, I’d definitely rather focus on the fact that she shared, like, a thing implying that grieving parents’ pain was false then the fact that she’s not the best voice actor.

I firmly disagree with the notion of sword fighting being slow. Most real sword fights would be over in seconds. Same with fighting in armour. A sword fight in armour quickly devolves into wrestling, because it’s much easier to throw your opponent to the ground and stab them with a rondel dagger than it is to manoeuvre

This sounds fun!

Nope. None of that confirms that a sacrifice needed to be made. He gets the soul stone, and she dies, but there’s no qualifying, connecting information. "I had to" are just the ravings of an egomaniac that thinks he's the only one who can save the world. "You want to know how he does that" just means she gets killed

Jfc - Look at this dipshits history “Trump is returning economic and religious liberty to America while the left squelches liberty and truth throughout the land, especially in schools and universities. If anything, Trump and the GOP don’t go far enough in reducing the tyranny of the welfare state and leftist

Plus Thor three already established she was a bad ass leader at one point. Just because we don't see shit doesn't mean there's no reason. 

That was my initial take too, but after thinking about it her death ends her arc quite nicely. Her entire impetus for joining the Avengers was to “clear the red from her ledger,” and I’d argue that single-handedly keeping the group together for 5 years before sacrificing herself to save 3.5 billion people is about as

There is nothing in the goddamned world like the absolute fragility of folks who occupy majority (race/ethnicity/sex/sexual orientation/religious affiliation) status feeling like they might have to share the pie they’ve previously had 99% of.

Think about this for just a moment: Every time someone screams about “SJWs,”

Not at literal gunpoint, but they are, figuratively. Game dev is the career they wanted. This is what they do for a living. Crunch is forcing brutal work hours by coercion of job security; you either meet your employer’s demands, or wind up on the chopping block in the next quarterly review.

Something is going to have to give.

If you’re intending to monetize it, then I think so. Like thoseFuckJerry assholes on Twitter and Instagram who steal shit from professional comics and regular people alike, strip off their identifying info, and then post it as their own material with an ad next to it. Fuck those people to death.

Me: Really looking forward to enjoying Red Dead’s world with friends in a private lobby.”

Rockstar: “How about avoiding griefers on your way to a handful of boring shootouts with strangers? We’ll give you a discount on 1 hat.

Haven’t touched online for a long time. It basically offers nothing for those who want good old fashioned co-op. I wish the singleplayer could have been co-opable. 

what did the daughters think they were doing when they posed for pictures in crew gear - having never done crew in their lives?

I mean, one person is credited with the screenplay. This could mean multiple other writers contributed less than 30% apiece. Arbitration can get sticky.