It’s most likely not getting a job and just assuming that, whether they had to fill out a racial documentation section or not, it means a minority must’ve stolen it from them.
It’s most likely not getting a job and just assuming that, whether they had to fill out a racial documentation section or not, it means a minority must’ve stolen it from them.
A/V Club covered it.
And you’ll be right there in the inaugural parade with your Tiki torch.
There’s a “Right Party”?!?!
Another post devoid of logic.
If we get another 4 years of Trump it will be because of the BS-ers claiming to be “moderates” that like the racists politics of Trump but dont want to admit to being a republican.
I think you’re on drugs, because it seems more generous than assuming you’re naturally this fucking stupid. I’m happy to be corrected and just call you a borderline illiterate moron.
Nice strawman you ignorant piece of shit.
I miss back when these were typed out and I could just read them without alerting everyone in all of the neighboring offices.
That’s impossible, blue base is incredibly difficult to remove, she would have had to bleach it out with at 20-30 volume cream. What a fucking moron. She doesn’t get to say she was punk or any type of rebellious kid. Fuck her and her family.
Holy shit, where did all the ‘whatabouts’ come from on this post? If you type the name Bright Bart online, does it somehow set off a flag in a troll dungeon somewhere?
Ok maybe been hanging out with too many then, you’re in digital media it’s understandable. Come back to Gen X...maybe pop in a few yo MTV raps episodes, and it will bring you back!
being ruled by a hippocracy would be better than than the current US plutocracy
Republicans are the epitome of hippocracy.
Well of course they are. They are shitting their pants with the dragging of Eminem for every word he has ever uttered in his entire life but hey, let’s make Kid Rock a senator now that he has wrapped himself in the traitor rag and fancies himself some kind of country/good ol’ boy.
“The old magazine world was dominated by elitists”
At this point, Steam users have successfully turned the review system into an irrelevant feature of the shop. It’s no longer a place to judge the quality of the game, but instead to express personal umbrage you take with whatever tiny and often irrelevant detail a game has. The old magazine world was dominated by…
So, I guess I’ll bite. This is far from the only black-oriented website out there, and sure - I can understand how it must be difficult to be the target of suspicion and anger simply because you’re the member of a race, and not due to any actions of your own (welcome to the black experience, btw). In any event, is…
What the fuck are you talking about?