
I really want her to fail but she has the all important left the TV on for the dog demographic all locked up.

Why anyone feels they must have multiple guns and now silencers is beyond me.

But that would totally be off brand.

Well that’s part of the problem, though. As they state above, most of us who that deduction actually helps will no longer benefit from it. My house was tough for us to afford; still is. We had to get out of renting, though. But it’s not a multi-million dollar home and we don’t have the money to contribute large sums

I’m looking at their pets, not reading their minds, idiot. I’m pretty sure you’re an asshole. Get bent.

I can usually tell a pet from a legit service animal Mr. says things online he’d never say to anyone’s face internet cliche. I described an observable phenomenon, more people bringing their animals places. You got mad, abusive. So, stfu, yourself. Ass.

Old man here. When did it become okay to bring dogs everywhere? I see them at the grocery store, Home Depot, etc. Service dogs are fine, but I don’t believe that emotional support dogs should even be a thing. That just sounds like a fancy synonym for pet. Not everyone wants to encounter dogs when they go shopping.

That should be the operating tactic by every news outlet everywhere when dealing with these chucklefucks.

Now playing

Sure, “they” put her in a box. Kelly had nothing to do with it.

I know this was most likely a typo, but I’m calling it now: CeleBRATies is going to be E!’s new Kris Jenner project about the chaos of raising all those damn Kardashian babies. North is a mini Regina George, no question.

Given that I saw a report today that platforms see a 60% drop in pageview after a pivot to video . . . no, these pivots are not based on any valid data.

Why was that video instead of text? There was no commentary; it was just words on a screen. It means you can’t watch it on your phone or read it discreetly at work and it uses a shitton more data. And makes your computer run hotter.

The original Despacito is very good. Well. I may be biased because I have the hots for Daddy Yankee. So.

Probably because they’re a lot closer to eating cold beans out of a can than being super-genius industrialist billionaires.

I really don’t understand your complaint here. It is being investigated because that is a very long work day. Therefore, it’s relevant, one of the top two relevant facts of the case, I’d say.

In an early shot of the video, the harness on the dog states that it is a PTSD dog.

I’m shocked at how many redneck fans there are of Talladega Nights. It’s not laughing with them.

And a bunch of those so-called fans would probably blow a gasket if they found out the author of the book it’s based on is a gay man.

The “Making Shit Up In A Comment Thread” Award?

Yeah, sorry about that, I’m running waaay behind schedule . . . .