
And, people seem to forget that it wasn’t a mystery. We, at that point, already “knew” what happened to Luke’s Dad. It was a ret-con that came, structurally, out of nowhere. No silly mystery box involved - they just took the story in an unexpected direction. Which is exactly what TLJ did - took the story in an

She says it, though. Even less wiggle room than if he had.

He doesn’t say it, though. She says it.

As I commented on the same story on io9:

Pretty much, for the default game, anyway. If you buy skins (or get the free ones through Twitch), they are gender locked, but if you’re just playing the free base game, then yeah, still random.

You too, huh?

Pointing out that you are wrong (twice) isn’t being an armchair lawyer, numbnuts. It just means we have basic knowledge. But your evasion of the actual replies to you is precious.

Or, it may have just been force of habit, since the spelling would matter in other contexts.

Ah, another who jumped to the comments without reading. Bonus pionts for incorrectly making this a free speech issue. Double fail! Yay you!

They had to upscale the FX for the Blu Ray of Firefly already - so I imagine doing a 4k transfer would leave them looking very muddy.

They had to upscale the FX for the Blu Ray of Firefly already - so I imagine doing a 4k transfer would leave them

I like the analogy.

Id say your fury is pretty rational.

It certainly opens up the scope, but does bring us back to the “why no pop culture past 2018" issue.

Well, if you can’t defend your own point, then its worthless. Much like that distinction. Just more inane gatekeeping.

Yeah, agreed. I specifically play Fortnite because its so “light” and cartoony for a shooter.

With a very few exceptions, every teen boy is a gamer now - they’re not outcasts.

God, these insecure gamer dudes trying to gatekeep are just the worst.

TThat’s the book, though. The movie abandons that conceit.

Not every game needs to tackle politics, but when your entire premise is based on it, as this story is, and they chicken out, its worth noting.

And I still don’t care one little bit. Wish they were adapting virtually any other fantasy book, as long as it hadn’t been done before.