
Oh, stuff that ill-informed bullshit. She had detailed policy plans - saying she ran on nothing is the Fox-Fucktard version.

I wish I had more than one star to give.

If you think that, its clearly both.

He’s huge in Canadian teen melodrama.

The number of people who have NEVER seen Star Wars, and still know who Han Solo is, is surely exponentially higher.

Ah, so this is just bad trolling. Or you’re a moron. Its one or the other.

Oooh, look at the hipster! Push up those horn rim glasses, son!

Yep. Ive moved on from trying to have a discussion with those folks. Now, I either ignore, or if its particularly warranted, laugh.

They did a 3-parter that kept threatening to show Muhammad on-screen (it didn’t), the final part of which had a speech that was censored by the network on airing. Parker & Stone refused to let the edited version be shown again, but Comedy Central wouldn’t put out the original. So, all 3 parts have been left out of

There are 4 episodes of South Park that have been effectively banned and kept out of circulation (aside from leaks and pirated copies).

A poorly paced Marvel Netflix show??

That picture makes it look like she bathes in veggie oil.

Right there with ya.

No, that’s not how it works.

I hadn’t heard about the correction on her leave, so that does improve the landscape. But still, even with X-Men coming up, nothing is set. Careers do fizzle out. Hope it doesn’t happen here, but a series of flops can (not always, but it can) wreck “star” careers. She’ll likely always get work, but not necessarily as

You’re right, but her declaring she’s taking a year off (which means, with turn around time, nothing starring her in more like 2 years) she could very well lose career momentum. 2 flops wont kill a career, 2 flops followed by nothing very well could.

Hope the meds start working soon!

He more or less made that point himself, with the “hat on a bear” bit.

Many men are, no matter how hard you yawn in defiance.

He’s retired. So, yeah, its cosplay.