
I need to finish Season of Infamy myself... thanks for the reminder.

Every gun nut thinks he fuckin’ John Wick, with impeccable aim, perfect situational awareness, and totally badass invincibility.

As a friend commented yesterday:

Hey, he’s gotta pay for those frosted tips somehow!


Godfather Charms?

To that, I cannot say with any certainty. But either way, I dont see her as deserving of any sympathy.

She enables him, so not one ounce of sympathy from me.

You really don’t grasp the difference between a word that’s been used to denigrate people for centuries, and a word describing the *actions* of whiney man-babies?

Yes, I have seen that reported as well.

‘“Wypipo are fragile.”

Age is the main thing now (ok, main legitimate thing). But yeah, he’d be excellent in the role.

yep. Also known as just being good at their jobs.

Lead roles in small movies and small roles in big movies has always been his thing. He doesn’t even consider himself an actor, and openly mocks anyone who actually hires him to be one.

Ive already heard a lot of “But he name was Cruz! Doesn’t sound white!”

We’re already on track for that. Might as well make a hail Mary in hopes of improving ANYthing.

Im pretty bad at this game. But, somehow, I lucked into a win after just a few games. Ive gotten nowhere close since. Maybe I should just be happy with the one, and retire.

Yeah, with some of those, like Munich, its not supposed to be sexy.

I know my blood pressure hasn’t dropped for over a year.