
Best novelty flavor yet. I stocked up.

Nonsense. The point stands.

Aw, you think your opinion is universal. Bless your heart.

I keep seeing people make that argument - if they have to explain - its not good.

Yeah, this site has such a huge footprint, had they ignored the story, no one would have heard....

So, you want characters to be less 3 dimensional...? If you’re a General, that’s ALL YOU CAN DO.

Understandable, but its no less realistic than X-Wings banking in the original. Actually, a turn like what Poe did is MORE realistic for a zero gravity environment.

Even if she took a different path and didn’t develop her force skills - its been established at least twice that, when in danger, a simple force pull comes naturally to force-sensitives with little or no training (Luke and Rey both did it). So it is still perfectly in line with what has come before.

Leia didn’t come back from the dead. People change over 30 years (granted, this takes actual maturity to recognize).

Uhh, yeah, more detail isn’t helping. A lot of your complaints dont make sense, but I appreciate the link.

No, I get that. Its just when the other complaints dont add up, it suggests a different real reason. Ill take you at your word, but still, they dropped bombs in Empire, Leia’s scene is entirely within established bounds, milk comes from somewhere, etc.

Id agree if Rogue One had genuine, and consistent characters, and less fan service.

Yeah, I don’t get it either. Ive had people trying to insist that it violates physics. Which A) Hello, most of Star Wars does, and B) No, it actually was specifically done to fit within existing vacuum testing results.


Sadly, I think you are correct. If Luke had done some murdering and cussing, the bro’s would have been much happier.

Its amazing that people have been okay with bombs being dropped in space in Star Wars since 1980, and now, suddenly, its a problem.

And what are the odds that it even IS a “Snyder” scene. There was nearly an hour of cut Whedon material, too. In a far more polished states. So, there’s a decent chance this is not even 1/100th spoken of.

Im sure removing all women from the film makes it MUCH more reflective of this guys day-to-day life.


Eh, we all have media blindspots. Hell, I only got around to watching the last season of Commnity, like, last week.