Obama: 1
Obama: 1
He’s said that all the characters are stand-ins for himself, just different aspects. Jeff is his ego. Britta his passion for social issues - without the commitment. Abed his obsession with media and story structure, etc.
Some of that may have actually been her. I can’t recall where offhand, but I did see an interview with her once where she talked about being very restrained on set when she started, but then letting more of her true, goofy self out as she got more comfortable, and that the writers played more to her goofy instincts as…
Listen everyone! Alvin is here to tell us how the internet, and people, and hell, everything, works! And he is of course the authority, based on...
I was going for brevity, but yes, I agree with your take on the themes of the film.
I love that you perfectly illustrated the depth of your intellect by fucking up your opening point.
And whiney fanboys bitched about Empire, now regarded as one of the best films ever.
Online polls are skewed all the time. Reddit had organized campaigns to game the score, so that’s hardly proof of anything.
Fair enough, I was unclear on the timeframe you spoke of.
She demoted him.
I wasn’t. Do you really think that anyone who reads this site must agree with you??
....Or people might just disagree with your narrow interpretation of those things.
Its odd how people keep saying “kill the past” is the theme of the movie - when its just the thesis of the BAD GUY and the scared old man who eventually realizes he was wrong to think so, and then makes the ultimate sacrifice reinforcing the legend. The theme is to learn from the past, not to kill or revere it. The…
Half the people voted for Trump?
Yep, I haven’t spent a dime, other than buying the actual game proper, have a lot of (though hardly all) of the expensive stuff, with several million in the bank, and I only play a couple hours a week these days.
Anyone trying to make money with low tier missions is kinda stupid. They always have at least one mode that is on double pay-out at almost any given time. I pop in a couple hours a week, do those, and make quite a bit.
You must have an astoundingly low threshold for what you consider “rich.”
Dude, Grammar. Look into it.
Best fillibuster ever!
Ah, the “not being tolerant of intolerance is the real intolerance” argument.