
And starring Leslie Jones as trump.

Disagree all you like, no one gives a shit. You don’t get to dictate the actions of others.

Going by what’s reported... sure. AND ignoring Harmon’s own comments, admitting fault.

That you think communication between people is a show for you, says a whole lot about you, not them.

Ok, whatever makes you feel better

Stupid child says stupid childish things. News at... whenever.

I totally misread the name at first, and was imagining this:

It took you 2 weeks to come up with that non sequitur as a comeback?

Abrams had nothing to do with the making of the film. His EP credit is contractual, as most are.

“ 98% of the use of Pepe today is still as FeelsGoodMan/FeelsBadMan”

Then, you know, just don’t.

Your handle, combined with this being a new account which has solely posted bullshit concern trolling suggests otherwise.

But the Nazis are the ones complaining. So, yeah, fuck them. And if you want to stand up for them, fuck you, too.

He did that for Split well over a year ago. Even did interviews about his muscle building routine and supplements.

Superman Returns and X-Men Apocalypse.

Aw, lookit that, you CAN write a proper sentence. Good for you!

And yet I can writer properly, with punctuation and capitalization.

The intention to do it was leaked, but it hasn’t happened.

Still, an odd line to draw. Almost universal praise, one detractor. You go with the detractor.

What, this dude makes your choices for you?